Learn How to Use Your Voice
Pop • RnB • Hip Hop • Musical Theatre • Gospel • Rock • Blues • Country
Our Instructors

18 year veteran Vocal Coach, CEO & 3rd Generation owner of Voicercise. more

Singer/Songrwrit-er who’s been singing since he was just 4 years old. more

Writing songs since he was 14 years old and has recorded many songs. more

Singer/songwriter who started singing professionally and songwriting at 8. more

Choir Director, Solo, Musical play touring, R&B bands and Gospel quartets. more
How do I know which Instructor is right for me?
Many of our new students will start off with an introductory rate voice lesson ($30) which can be done in person or online. Intro lessons are 45 mins long. During this time we can work together one on one to create a personalized vocal assessment plan and estimate.
This initial session allows you to experience our teaching style firsthand, provides us with an opportunity to evaluate your current abilities, personal learning style, preferred music styles, discuss your vocal goals and aspirations. By the end of this lesson, we’ll have a clear understanding of how we can help you reach your full potential, and have all the information we need to decide which instructor’s expertise aligns best with your musical journey.
Would you prefer Our Voicercise Vocal Training Kit App?
We supply a detailed instruction guide, videos and mp3s, to help you improve privately on your own time and schedule.