How to reach your singing goals in 2018

Singing Goals 2018

How to Accomplish More Singing Goals Then You Did in 2017.

Welp! The New Year is upon us again. How do you feel about the progress you made this past year, in regards to your singing and life in general?

If your answer is. “I feel amazing about my accomplishments!” Well congratulations, and well done!

If you wish you had accomplished more in 2017, this blog is for you. There are actually very exact steps needed to make sure you are able to arrive safely at your singing goals in 2018.

So grab a pen and paper and let’s dive right in!

Here is how to create a foolproof plan for making your singing goals a reality in 2018:

  1. In A New Unit Of Time, Work Out Your Singing Goals For The Year.

    This should be done as of right now. Not taking into consideration what you weren’t able to accomplish last year. Or the frustration, guilt or upset connected with it.

    But if you had never tried before, and never had trouble before what your singing goals for 2018 would be? Write them down, they will be needed for the next step.

  2. What Needs To Get Done To Accomplish Those Singing Goals?

    Singing Goals 2018
    Now you’ll need to break that big goal up into doable actions. Look at what exactly you would need to get done, to make sure you’re able to reach those goals in 2018. They should be things that you feel you can honestly and easily get done.

    Write them down, and check back on the list as the year progresses, at regular intervals. I.e Every Friday morning… or whatever works best for you and your schedule.

    I would suggest putting it up on the mirror you use to get ready every morning.

  3. Create Some New Personal Policies And Rules For Yourself.

    I’m sure there are things you do that you look back on and say. “I shouldn’t have done that”, or “I really need to make sure I _______ next time.”

    This is your chance to stop all your regretting! Write down all the policies you need to set in place for yourself, to make sure you are making progress you can see.

    These could be things such as:

      Work out at the gym 3 times a week
      Keep the appointments I make
      Practice my singing every day
  4. Your Singing Success Lies In The Way You Market Yourself.

    Singing Goals 2018
    The easiest way to start marketing yourself, is to Look the part.

    What you look like is how you are presenting yourself to the world. The way you sing, the way you look, the way you speak, you never know what opportunity could be knocking at your door at any moment!

    In Addition, becoming a singer is all about making connections. 

Now there is absolutely no reason to act stuck up, or better then anyone. However, you should come across as a person, others would like to be around. And whom others could look up to.

  5. So here’s your start to a Successful 2017!

    Use What you wrote down here to keep you on a steady path to achieving your singing goals. If you have any trouble, I would be so happy to help.

    Let’s make sure you stay motivated, by making little goals every day, week and month.

    And don’t forget to stay dedicated to the big goal at the end. Every difficulty you come to, has a means to an end. That goal has to be more important than any hardship you encounter. If you can make it through to your goals, you can accomplish anything!

    I know you can do it! I’m proud of you already.

    All in Love and Music,

    Rox Miller


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