How Singing Can Improve Your Health
- Mood Improvement
- Respiratory Health
- Abdominal & Gut Strength
There are many benefits to singing consistently like: a boost to your serotonin, breathing efficiency, and abdominal strength/gut health.
Singing isn’t just about sounding good, continued practice improves muscle strength, and can even improve projection.
Your mental health can also improve if you get nervous in public spaces, learning to change your mindset is just the icing on the cake.
Mood Improvement
Singing forces you to take breaths, you needn’t even be on key while singing to release the chemical called oxytocin in your body.
This chemical helps you release anxiety and stress. Your body also produces a chemical called serotonin.
This is a feel good chemical often associated with mood, producing more of this within the body can improve depression, memory, and even energy.
Try singing consistently to develop a positive mindset and improve negative moodlets.
Respiratory Health
Should you ever become sick, or develop respiratory issues, breathing exercises are helpful to get you on the right track.
When it comes to throat health, often doing exercises can help improve overall strength.
Breathing exercises help warm up the vocal cords making it easier to sing, and improve oxygen in the blood flow.
All of these factors help outline the value of singing, and help you develop a sort of immunity to any vocal adversities.
Abdominal & Gut Strength
Building abdominal strength is a given when practicing powerful or belt heavy songs.
Try doing physical cardio or even ab exercises to continue growing those muscles.
Gut health can be improved by managing what you intake.
As a professional singer it is important to watch what you put in your body as it can affect the overall quality of how you sound.
If you manage to develop a diet in pursuit of keeping your voice healthy, you will not only be improving your singing, but improving your gut health as well.