How To Build Motivation As A Singer
- Find Inspiration
- Develop Goals & Recognition
- Motivation Through Experience
As a singer, staying motivated can be hard if you lack direction.
Inspiration is something you sometimes have to search for, but it can have a good impact on your growth as a singer.
Goal setting is the number one way to achieve success, and for a lot of people this can be very motivating.
Recognition will follow your success and you can do this by going to events, gigs, or open mics.
Work on building your experience for confidence and then you will feel motivated as you will feel more solid in your craft.
Find Inspiration
Inspiration can stem from a number of things like a musician, a genre of music, etc. It can be an experience you’ve had or a conversation.
Always keep a notepad ready in case you have any ideas for new songs. Sometimes that creativity may only last a moment.
So having a place to write whenever can be essential for writing songs.
Inspiration can come from a relationship you have with someone or even from watching a live performer.
Try expanding how you find inspiration. It can be hard to find if you are not looking for it.
Develop Goals & Recognition
Goal setting is the best surefire way to stay positive about your vocal growth.
Without goals, you can lack direction. Without direction you can aimlessly be seeking approval in your voice without knowing what you would like to sound like.
Goals can be as easy as learning to sustain a note, to learning how to sing a 7+ note riff.
These are different for everyone, so don’t become discouraged if there are other people that are doing better with a certain skill set vs you.
Everyone has expectations when it comes to singing, the reality is what is created from practicing and patience.
Gaining recognition is sure to come and this can help boost your morale and opinion of how you sound to yourself.
You may need 30 people to tell you that you sound good before you start to believe it yourself.
Some people don’t care for others opinion, but at the end of the day when you’ve given your best performance and a lot of people tell you how well you did, you can’t help but want to perform again.
Motivation Through Experience
Whenever you perform you may get a rush of adrenaline. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable on stage is one way to become more comfortable performing.
It’s these experiences that encourage you to do better. When you have your performances, don’t feel as though your job is to prove you can sing.
Singing comes from the heart so make sure that you take your experiences as a place to grow.
When you notice your improvement in your singing, stage presence, and performing, your next performance will feel much easier.
Any notice of improvement with yourself is a start when it comes to staying motivated.