The Best Way To Improve Vocal Range

  • Defining your Vocal Range
  • Setting Goals & Having A Target Song
  • Practice Everyday


Your vocal range may be the very key you were missing to sing all the songs on your list. How do we know if we can’t sing a song yet?

It is imperative that you define your range, and the range of the song, so you don’t strain your voice trying to reach notes that aren’t in your vocal register.

Set realistic goals and have a target song to work on to achieve those goals. Finally, you will want to practice everyday, as this is what will strengthen your muscles the fastest.

Defining your Vocal Range


When we sing songs, if the first thing you do is hop right into it, you may want to define your range.

For every song you listen to, you can look up the vocal range.

This tells you the lowest and the highest note of the song. If you don’t already know your range, there are youtube videos to help you.

Or if you have a piano you can start at c4 and move down/up to your lowest/highest note. Once you have your range defined you can compare it to the song.

If your voice fits within the song, then this is a song that just needs practice.

If the song is outside of your range, then it will take longer to build your range to meet where you need to be in the song.

The farther your voice is from the highest/lowest note, the longer it can take to build up that range.

Setting Goals & Having A Target Song


If your range is currently a C5 you will want to set a C#5 as your next goal.

If your lowest note is a F3 then you will want to work to get an E3. Your vocal muscles grow with time so singing the notes at the ends of your voice is what will eventually allow you to sing there.

The turn over time for this is dependent on the individual. Some people can develop notes in their registers in as little as a week, whereas others it can take months or years.

This really depends on your lifestyle and your ability to spend an ample amount of time practicing.

The best way to improve your range is by doing vocal exercises or working with a specific song that sits right at the edge of your range.

This way every time you sing the song you are encouraged to strengthen those muscles.

Practice Everyday

Practicing everyday is a guaranteed way to show progress in your voice relatively quickly.

There are some vocal exercises you may not need to do everyday, but if you are looking to expand your range, exercises are necessary everyday.

Think of it like taking on a new job, if you miss days while you’re in the training stages it’s going to be harder to pick up where you left off.

Familiarity is something your voice needs in order to grow and improve. If you only practice once a week, it can take you months to increase your range.

This is because the muscles aren’t getting to move up to your limits as often, so they stay where they are comfortable.

The same rule applies with pitch, you have to spend everyday with pitch because it’s the only way to improve your hearing.

Try doing vocal slides or soft palate exercises, make sure to practice at the top and low ends of your voice.

Spend at least 15-20 min working on your range alone if you find you are a couple notes away from being able to sing the song to your best ability.

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