The Staples Of Every Song

  • Knowing The Song
  • Emotion & Energy
  • The Given: Confidence


Have you ever wondered why there are some people who think you have to be born with a voice to sing? This is one of the biggest misconceptions of singers.

Anyone can sing as long as they put in the time and effort to. There are at least 5 things singers must have to sound fantastic.

These things include: lyrics, melodies, energy, emotion, and confidence. If you are able to master these 5 things you will make your singing more passionate and accurate.

Knowing The Song


There are really only 2 reasons we make mistakes on stage. One of them is lack of preparedness, and the other is overthinking.

Lyrics and melodies fall under preparation. Your ability to memorize words and notes in the correct sequence.

We can drill ourselves by breaking apart a song by verse and chorus and singing until we get all the notes correct. The same can be done for learning the lyrics.

If you have an audition/performance, you want to feel comfortable in your memorization. Treat your rehearsals just as you would an 8 hour job.

We tend to feel nervous when it comes to performing because we are unsure if we will remember the right notes or words.

Putting in the time will help prevent you from this feeling; as you want to know your songs just like you’d recite the pledge of allegiance at school.

Emotion & Energy


Energy and Emotion play a monumental role in the song’s pace, feeling, and authenticity.

If you are singing a sad song, you want to sing it from a sad place. Vulnerability can be scary, but that is the only way we can ever hope to connect with our audience.

Energy can be the amount of enthusiasm you have when you’re on stage, but it can also be how you approach a song. Are you singing the song loud, soft, fast, or slow?

If you’re singing a song with a lot of push, it will require more air, which means more effort/energy.

Whereas emotions are what you feel while you sing. It’s likely you will find a song easier to sing by being in the right headspace.

This also helps us control our diaphragm. For example: for sad songs, if you can bring yourself to a sad place. You will notice your breathing is slower or softer.

This varies with each emotion. Try to immerse yourself in what the song means to you, and take it from there.

The Given: Confidence

Confidence will come naturally if you have already perfected the 4 other staples.

Approach every song you sing as if you wrote it and that those words were coming from you. This will help you remove the idea that we don’t sound like the original.

The misconception that you have to sound like the original is driven by people who may have heard others sing one of their favorite songs badly.

This can be from watching TV, youtube, or maybe they’ve heard a live singer. But we never know why a singer may sound like they do.

So there is no definite answer that they are bad singers. What I can tell you, is by including the 5 fundamental things, there’s no way that you can sound bad because you have everything the original song has in it.

Most of the time a singer is ridiculed for their singing because they are missing one of the 5.

Understanding why we make singing mistakes is the first step to being able to sing anything with confidence.

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