Singing off key? Want to sing on key?
Help with Singing Off Key

You can take voice classes or vocal lessons or singing lesson or sing in choirs or choruses and still have trouble singing on key. There’s only two things that you have to be able to do to learn how to sing well.

One of them is to sing on key, and the other one is to be able to sing in rhythm.

Pretty much anything else that you do can be worked out and handled around those things, but those things are most important. Singing off key can easily be handled in just about anybody who wants to learn how to sing . It’s really a lack of hearing and a lack of control of your singing muscles. But there’s a secret as to why you don’t hear what’s playing while you are singing and also why you don’t have control of your singing muscles. And If you don’t hear what you are singing to, then what are you singing to?

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This Voice Problem

Limited Vocal Range?

Do you find that when you are singing that there are certain notes that you just you can hit? Does your voice crack when you’re trying to go up the scale on songs? Are you a man who found it difficult to sing after puberty? Are you a woman who would like to sing higher and with more power?

Most people have experienced singing or speaking in front of others at one time or another when their voice cracked. Thereafter, even the idea of trying to sing a “high note” made you nervous. Sometimes you find that you had an ability to sing in a higher range than you currently do; however, through time, sickness or abuse you lost that higher range.

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Limited Singing Volume/Power?
Need more projection? Do you have limited singing volume?

I can’t tell you how many people come to me not having enough singing volume or projection as they’ve been heard it’s called. Sometimes you’ll hear it being called “singing from the diaphragm”. So any people have a hard time singing from the diaphragm. But there is this awesome piece of information, which you aren’t ever taught by most other vocal teachers or singing lessons about singing from the diaphragm.

Once you understand the uncomplicated version of this, it makes it so simple.

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Poor Tone Quality?

How to become a singer has to include helping you to have a good strong rich voice that is versatile enough and strong enough to get you through the songs you want to perform.

The personal results that you need are not always available from your average voice coach if you want to sing contemporary music. That means Rock, R&B, ,HipHop, Gospel, Jazz, Alternative, Christian Contemporary and Country.

Their techniques are more geared toward teaching you how to sing classical music which is not something that most people desired to sing or perform. Not that there’s anything wrong with classical music it’s beautiful but that’s not what your average person wants to sing.

Lessons in singing have to include helping your voice to have the quality that you really want. It’s important to learn the secrets to having a full and powerful voice. Naomi is the voice coach to help the voice that you feel you should have inside to come out.

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Low Confidence?

Aren’t you tired of those uncomfortable fearful feelings that stop you from doing the things you want to?

Voice classes can be fun in themselves. However if they don’t improve your confidence while improving your voice, the singing classes are not really the best lessons in singing because they’re not complete in my experience.

Low confidence will keep you from achieving your goals in life and they will keep you from achieving your goals as a singer and performer. It is not necessary for you to live with a lack of confidence as some people do for a lifetime.

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Stage Fright?

Handling Stage Fright is probably the biggest and most common voice problem or voice difficulty or singing difficulty that I am faced with on a regular basis.

You could Define Stage Fright as:

  • a lack of confidence,
  • fear of singing in front of people,
  • various body parts shaking uncontrollably,
  • one’s throat closing up,
  • having a hard time breathing,
  • no sound coming out,
  • loosing control of words or melodies or even harmonies,
  • fear of looking or sounding stupid
  • Singing only what’s “safe” not what you really want to
  • uncomforatable facing or looking at your audience
  • needing to close your eyes
  • or just plain embarrassment

In other words stage fright. I have always felt that if you really want to learn how to become a singer you probably also really want to know how to become an effective performer and to be a comfortable performer.

I would define stage confidence as being completely certain that what is going to come out of your mouth is what you intend to come out of your mouth not something that you can’t control.

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Tired Voice?

Do you have a tired voice? Do you find that you run out of air easily or that after singing a few songs your voice or throat is tired?

It’s important to resolve this problem when you are are engaged in lessons and singing or voice classes. It’s caused primarily because of not understanding that your voice is a actually air. And the biggest problem is that you don’t take in enough when you’re singing and you don’t know how to effectively use it while singing.

Most people tend to expel their air prior to singing the phrase of the song. However the biggest mistake is not taking in enough air in the first place. Some people find that conventional voice classes sometimes help with this, while others are plagued with it despite vocal classes and singing lessons because the techniques applied to controlling the air that is your voice are techniques that are better applied to opera singing.

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Need more style?

Not being able to sing in your own style or not being able to find your own style or not knowing what your own style is can be really difficult. You know, you have this idea inside that you want to sing, and you want to sing from your heart, and you want it to be your own special communication with your own voice, the same one that you use to talk to people. Well you can do that, you can work out what your own style is. It can be brought out. And believe me it’s not something that somebody has to bring to you. It’s there inside of you, there are just ideas, fears, lack of confidence and a lot of other things covering it up, that’s all.

I have this great technique on how to bring that out – how to bring out the real you.

The end result is that you will have your own style, you’ll know how to sing with it, and whenever you sing from now on, it’ll be you coming out and not somebody else. And that’s the best thing of all.

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This Voice Problem

To find out more info:

Call (727) 796-0417