Not being able to sing in your own style or not being able to find your own style or not knowing what your own style is can be really difficult. You know, you have this idea inside that you want to sing, and you want to sing from your heart, and you want it to be your own special communication with your own voice, the same one that you use to talk to people. Well you can do that, you can work out what your own style is. It can be brought out. And believe me it’s not something that somebody has to bring to you. It’s there inside of you, there are just ideas, fears, lack of confidence and a lot of other things covering it up, that’s all.
I have this great technique on how to bring that out – how to bring out the real you.
The end result is that you will have your own style, you’ll know how to sing with it, and whenever you sing from now on, it’ll be you coming out and not somebody else. And that’s the best thing of all.
This is a result that is not usually achieved with conventional voice classes, voice lessons or vocal coaches. I wish I could say that this is a part of learning how to sing with most voice coaches but unfortunately it’s not. They tend to have a fixed idea of what you should sound like which is usually not the way you would like to sound and not the real you… Your singing voice is yours and very unique to you and what comes out of your mouth when you sing should be what you want it to be.
I know this because it remains one of the biggest failed purposes among singers. What we’re talking about is the ability to just sing freely, really let go and know that it’s going to sound good. Voice coaches, vocal coaches or voice classes don’t usually create this result in a potential singer. I know, I speak to people nearly every day who have had some type of prior vocal training or singing lessons and who still are trying to find their own true voice.
The Voicercise Singing With Style Program done in studio on online will help you. I know how frustrating this is. I’ve handled many people over and over again with this problem. Ones who are now are walking around with their own singing style. We have some success stories that you can read to give you an idea that this is not a hopeless problem and that it in fact can be handled. You just have to be taught the right skills to do so.
Private Lessons in Studio or Online with me can help you sing with your own unique style that you would like to and that you think is impossible.
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