Handling Stage Fright is probably the biggest and most common voice problem or voice difficulty or singing difficulty that I am faced with on a regular basis.
You could Define Stage Fright as:
- a lack of confidence,
- fear of singing in front of people,
- various body parts shaking uncontrollably,
- one’s throat closing up,
- having a hard time breathing,
- no sound coming out,
- loosing control of words or melodies or even harmonies,
- fear of looking or sounding stupid
- Singing only what’s “safe” not what you really want to
- uncomfortable facing or looking at your audience
- needing to close your eyes
- or just plain embarrassment
In other words stage fright. I have always felt that if you really want to learn how to become a singer you probably also really want to know how to become an effective performer and to be a comfortable performer.
I would define stage confidence as being completely certain that what is going to come out of your mouth is what you intend to come out of your mouth not something that you can’t control.
I would add to this that you should be comfortable.
The secret to building Be a Powerhouse Performer Workshop is a fun and effective way to end stage fright once and for all.
This very effective program is delivered by a singing coach who has more than 25 years of experience performing on stage, clubs, concert halls, television, radio, musicals and public speaking.
If you’re not comfortable with the thought of performing, singing or speaking in front of small, medium or large audiences you got to check out the Be a Powerhouse Performer Workshop. It will handle those feeling so that you won’t be controlled by them ever again.
One of the miracles of this workshop is that you never are forced to go on stage and perform in front of others but by the end of the workshop you will want to because you will learn to handle the reasons that make you uncomfortable and make confronting an audience seem impossible.
Imagine success singing you can experience when you can do it without fear or uncomfortable thoughts or reactions. Really learn how to speak or sing in public, Get the voice help that you need at last. Be the performer you believe you can be.
Get effective stage fright handling and I don’t mean just telling you to look over the heads of the audience or imagine them in their underwear which is ridiculous. Nor should you have to just force yourself to do something that makes you feel so uncomfortable. All of the people who have come to this workshop have miraculously changed in front of our eyes, into confident, fear free performers!
Learn our techniques that can easily help you start a new life without fear of audiences. Get the singing help and voice help that you truly need.