Naomi and Business Partner of 9 yrs, Roxy KerrCan any vocal coach teach you how to sing the way you want to? Or are you going to sing the way they want you to sound?

If you want to make noticeable singing progress, finding the right voice coach and singing exercises for what you need is key.

Okay, so you’ve finally decided to learn how to sing. Congratulations! Many people will go a lifetime keeping their desire to learn how to sing inside. By now, you might have learned from personal experience that a desire like the one you have never really goes away, until you pursue it.

Don’t underestimate you’re bravery. This is a BIG step and I’m proud of you. You only have one voice. Putting your trust into a vocal coach can be a scary thing! A lot of beginning singers can feel like they don’t know who to trust, or even where to start.

Here are 5 useful steps to help you make the right voice coach choice for you:

  1. Carefully, consider the kind of music you want to learn how to sing.
  2. What singing techniques and exercises are right for my type of music?
  3. How fast are you looking to notice progress?
  4. What kind of singing problems are you currently having?
  5. How do you find the right voice coach for you?

This week, let’s cover the first point: What kind of music do you want to learn how to sing? The very first step would be figuring out the type of music you would like to learn how to sing first. You can learn how to sing all different types of music genres. Just like most other things in this world, you can only start one song and genre at a time. You get how that would be?

I’ve been Naomi T Kaye’s personal assistant for about 9 years now. I’ve gotta tell you, there are a lot of new students we see who can’t answer this first question. (In case you were wondering, I sing a bit of everything is not the answer…)

The Answer: What is the first song that comes to mind when you think of singing? What type of music do you have on your #1 radio preset? Or on your pandora? What song moves you the most… whether you think it’s impossible for you to sing that song or not isn’t important right now. You absolutely can, and we will cover “how” later.

The Type of Music you want to Learn How to Sing Determines the Type of Voice Coach and Singing Exercises You Need!

Way too often, Naomi and I are heartbroken to hear from yet another new student who has already invested months or even years of time, energy and money into vocal lessons that didn’t help them sing the way they want to. Here’s an example of a student who ran into this exact senario: T.J Alston

As a result lots of voice students like T.J have come to see us, with the exact same singing difficulties they started with! Can you imagine? Well I’m sad to report, unfortunately, it happens every day…

So, how do you decide if you’ve found the right voice coach and are using the right singing exercises to make the singing progress you are looking for? That will be covered in the coming weeks singing tip, until then do some home work. What type of Music do you want to learn how to sing? If you have questions, comment below, and I will address questions in next weeks article.


Roxy Kerr

Vocal Coach
Director or Marketing, Accounting and Sales