The Benefits Of Vocal Slides

  • What Are Vocal Slides
  • Breathing
  • Customizing Slides To You


If you’ve ever taken vocal lessons, you know that there are alot of slides and movement exercises. This is to help you become efficient with many vocal techniques.

Learning how to do vocal slides can help you manage your breathing control.

There are many ways to approach slides, the best way is to find a range that suits your voice. Try to work with exercises that exercise your range.

What Are Vocal Slides


Vocal slides are meant to strengthen your voice along your range. We slide from a low note to a high note, or a high to a low note.

You can choose which notes you want to slide from given that you understand your vocal range. Note: Vocal slides are best done with a piano.

The idea is that your pitch is changing and you’re able to move through all your vocal registers with ease.

Slides help improve: agility, range, power, tone and your phonetics. A lot of music subtly uses slides, so practicing them will help you notice the technique being applied.



How we choose to apply our breathing depends on the song. Using vocal slides, you can practice singing with a lot of push or very soft.

Try starting your first note soft and sliding into more volume at the top of your register. You may find the mid center of your voice to break.

We call this a vocal break. It is where your voice may skip some notes or crack. Eventually, as your muscles start to strengthen, your vocal break will no longer be there.

You can practice this by softening your voice, in the middle of the slide, around the place of your vocal break.

As your voice leaves from the chest register, you will move into your soft mixed voice which also resides right around that vocal break.

Learning how to breathe with vocal slides is imperative for full use of your vocal registers.

Customizing Slides To You

It is important that we understand how these exercises can help us.

The first step to understanding how to customize these exercises to fit yourself is asking “ What Is My Vocal Range?”.

Knowing your vocal range can help you set parameters around your voice that also help measure progress. In other words, Matt’s vocal range is C2 – C5.

If Matt’s highest note is a C5 and he wants to sing higher. Matt will want to practice slides around a C5 until he can reach a C#5. The same applies for the lower end of the voice.

Spend time getting to know your range with vocal slides and you will find that it also helps warm up your voice for a song.

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