The key to becoming great at any skill is…

Mastering the fundamentals before you worry about the details. And this question and answer covers one of the major fundamentals.

The two most basic things a singer has to be able to do to sing well is singing on key and sing in rhythm.

A singer that can do both of those things, is considered someone that is able to “sing”.
As a vocal coach specializing in Pop & R&B music, I am amazed at the amount of singer who forgo singing on key, so they can sing strongly.

Have you ever heard someone sing a very strong note off key? It’s not a very pleasant sensation to experience.

Often when a person decides they want to sing, they are very new at it. And so, like anything else, there is information they don’t yet have that can limit their potential.

That information has a lot to do with, applying the right singing technique for what they wanna do with THIER singing.


voice lesson singing technique
And please run as fast as you can, if an instructor tells you what song to sing, during your voice lessons. Singing comes from emotion, and your emotion is one in a million.

Unless that instructor has YOUR heart, they should never be choosing a song for you to sing from your heart.

That information is what should help you decide what vocal training and technique you should use, to get singing results you are looking to achieve.

Sounds simple enough right?

Well, here’s where is get complicated. Most of the singing techniques you will find out there on youtube, in voice lessons and more are techniques derived from Operatic and Classical techniques!
Now I don’t know about you, but when I hear Opera, it sounds a lot different then Pop. Same with Classical and R&B.

Why? Different skills are important. The basics are different.

What skills?

Skills, like breathing for Pop and RnB, using falsetto, growls, having unique tone quality, singing with edge, singing riffs and RnB runs, etc.
The list goes on.

Voice lesson singing technique
And we actually use more singing muscles then the diaphragm and vocal chords to master those skills.

Are vocal abilities controlled by muscles? You bet cha! And guess what? You actually see it all the time, without even realizing it.

But if the singing technique you are using does not immediate create a new skill you can use when you sing songs, it’s not useful to you. Period.

the difficulty with Classical Technique, is that is was created 400 years ago before there was science. When their only way to look at a diaphragm was to cut open a dead body, and guess.
Before there was little cameras that could go down our throat and see how our vocal chords vibrate to match pitches, and MRIs to look at our diaphragm in action.

What it’s missing is science.

So basically what you would need would be a singing technology that taught you to sing the songs YOU love to sing, while

      1: teaching you the skills you need have a professional sound.
      2. Able to teach you how to sing and perform with emotion
      3. A singing technique backed by science to created immediate results.

And THAT is why I do what I every day. I help singers achieve what they literally never though possible with their voices multiple times a day, with 100% confidence

Seeing a persons outlook about their voice completely change within a one half hour intro lesson, where they actually experience a change in their abilities, not just them but the people around them.

It’s my absolute pleasure to bring that out, and continue guiding them towards have that voice they want, as themselves as an artist.

With the ability to sing with freedom and ease.

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