Are you ready for more about singing and allergies? Well keep on reading!

Vitamins and Nutrients Verses Medication

Sometimes understanding, means learning things you don’t wanna look at. One of these things being the fact, that many of us who suffer with allergies, are not properly feeding our bodies with the nutrients we need to not have allergies.

singing and allergiesFor instance eating kale and leafy greens on a regular bases can handle meany of the allergy symptoms we feel every day that stops us from singing without congestion, coughing and sneezing.

As well as locally ingesting raised honey, has in it the same properties as that of a flu shot as the antibodies found in honey are able to handle the pollen in our bodies, giving us less symptoms.

Doing these things on a routine or regular bases can help diminish the reasons we have allergies in the first place.

If you need medication, by all means stay on it!

In many situations you should help your body handle it on it’s own so that it won’t continue being a problem you need to medicate.

So there’s Hope for My Singing?

singing and allergies When you think that’s something is happening that’s you can’t handle, that’s gonna happen no matter what, it can make a singer feel like it’s impossible for them to reach their goals.

And that’s is something we actively work to irradiate even day, at Voicercise with every voice student we see.

Because if you want to get to those goals and make those goals a reality, anything and everything and everything in the way, can be handled.

It’s not about avoiding or trying to cover up the problem, but knowing when to ask for help. If you can’t fix it, then ask for the right help! We promise the problem is NOT you.

If you have a passion like singing and it’s in your heart, you should go for it 1000%.

And if you need help, were here for you!

All in Love and Music,

Roxy Miller and Jamicheal Harris

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