Who Defines Your Talent and Fame?
You know, the famous people, on the radio, on Youtube, whether they’re extremely famous or just a little famous? (If people they don’t know, know who they are…they’re famous.)
Do you think if someone called them a bad singer they would just stop singing?
Probably not, because they have tons of fans who love them, and that one person who says that they’re bad doesn’t define them.
Sadly many people on their way, do let those people stop them.
They listen to the few people who said “Stop singing so low.”, or maybe there wasn’t enough applause after their performances, maybe they were rejected too many times for the role the they wanted in the school play…
As a result they stopped performing all together or just minimally stopped singing.
The stars and people who’ve “made it” to fame, didn’t let those people who didn’t like them stop them. If they did they never would have discovered how many people do like them.
The People Who Made It To Fame, Had (have) Those Same Type of People In Their Life Too.
The people who put you down, make fun of you, criticize you, make you feel badly about your voice…
Take Mariah Carrey or Micheal Jackson… there are even people who don’t like Arianna Grande.
Do you think Arianna Grande cares? Nope! They are not changing her life. She’s still a millionaire. She became a millionaire by not listening to any of the people who said that she could’t sing and only listening to people that said she could.
She sings for her fans & you have to to sing for your fans. If you don’t sing for your fans, your singing for the people who don’t like you.
When someone decides that they don’t like something they don’t change their mind. They actually are not basing their dislike on anything other than the fact that they’ve decided not to like it.
Are There Any Singers You Don’t Like To Listen To?
The most important thing to understand, is that you can’t appeal to EVERY single person. You don’t like every singer you’ve ever heard either, so why would you expect EVERYONE to like you?
- If you let someone not liking you, stop you.
- If you let the no’s stop you.
- If you let the rejection stop you, you will never find your fans.
You won’t ever find the people that outweighs the bad. So don’t do that! Don’t let your failure stop you. Don’t let the nay sayers stop you.
You have an amazing gift. There is none other like it’s kind. There is nothing wrong with it.
The less you sing, the worse you will sound.
If you want to make it better make it better. In particular not singing a particular note because it “sounds bad”, will only make it sound worse. The less you sing, the worse you will sound. The more you sing it the better it will get, because you sing with muscles. And when you don’t use a muscles for a long time, it get’s weaker.
Like, the first time you try to lift a 50lb weight with one arm (unless you’re a body builder) it’ll nearly budge.
But, if you worked on lifting it everyday for a whole month you would start making progress. That 50lb weight is the same as that high note. You have to keep working at it until it sounds good. When you get to the “hard part” of a song do not stop. You need to sing it again the next day…and the next…and the next, until it sounds good. You will make progress. I promise!
You’re Worth It!
I hope this helps on your way to help you on your journey to achieve your way to the frame you dream of. You are worth it! the moment that you say or think that you aren’t you become absolutely correct. Because, in actuality you are the source of the idea of whether you are a good singer or not.
Do not compare your voice to anyone else’s. You have to know that you are a good singer. Not based on anyone else’s idea but yours. Only based it upon if you are better than you were yesterday.
Furthermore, please don’t ask anyone else if you sound good it’s about what sounds good to you. If it sounds good to you, then you can begin working on the things you don’t like about it, one thing at a time.
Not Everyone Has The Training Necessary To Take Your Voice Where is Needs to Be to Achieve Fame Status
But, please work on it with a professional, because not everyone has the training necessary to safely help take your voice where it needs to go.
If Your:
- Mom
- Dad
- Brother
- Boyfriend/Girlfriend
- or Best Friend
Can’t tell you exactly what to do to fix what they are criticizing, all it’s going to do is make you feel like never singing that note again. And that is not going to make you a better singer.
Even some vocal coaches are not trained well enough to help someone with pop music. If they’ve only had classical or operatic vocal training they are not going to be able to help you sing pop music the way you want to, because the skills that a pop singer is using are not the same skills used in classical music.
Have you noticed that?
So they wouldn’t be able to help you sing that R&B run, create the feeling’s of breathlessness you hear in Alicia Key’s or Micheal Jackson songs, or have that bright crisp pop sound, because classical doesn’t sound that way.
That’s all for today. I hope it helps!
Roxy Miller
3rd Generation Voicercise Instructor
Voice Coach/Talent Developer