Doing a Vocal Warm up before you sing is imperative to the success of your singing career.
I mean you wouldn’t go for a run without stretching, would you?
Well you shouldn’t! And if you have before, you know what I mean when I say my aching muscles wished that I would have warmed my body up before.
More on why it is important:
A great warm up will allow you to access your full singing potential any day.
Say goodbye to the days where you felt like you just didn’t sound as good as you know you can.
Your beautiful voice comes from many parts of your body and so to get those muscles feeling their best you need to get blood circulating, causing an inspiring heat.
In time, warm ups will allow your vocal abilities to expand and strengthen. Think about vocal warm ups like you do when you go to the gym or do yoga.
You are gradually improving your body’s health and endurance.
Mentally getting ready to do your best. After immense dedication to your singing you could be able to hit higher notes than you used to or just sing for a longer time without feeling strained.
When is the best time to warm up?
The answer is simple for a dedicated singer: every single day.
But especially on the days you plan to do a lot of vocal activity.
If you have a performance or studio time booked in the evening, you should warm up that morning and then again an hour or so before it is time to sing.
You want your vocal chords to be warm and ready to go!
Being a dedicated singer means giving it your all over and over again to exceed your own singing expectations. You do not want to be caught off guard because you didn’t prepare well enough.
So how do I do it?
Always start with relaxing your body and practicing deep, healthy breaths. Stand straight up and release any tension from your neck to allow the air to flow smoothly once you begin to sing.
If you are unfamiliar with what to do during your warm up, we’ve got a great video on YouTube that will guide you through this minimally.
Another option would be purchasing the Voicercise Singing Kit which will help you extensively.
You can use this kit at home, in the car, wherever you can listen to CD’s. The best option would be booking Roxy at the studio in Tampa to get in depth assistance with warm ups that are prime for your voice.