What’s My Vocal Type/Range? Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass?

Finding Your Vocal Type and Range

Identifying your vocal range is one of the most important things you can do as a beginning singer.

It will greatly aid you in knowing what types of songs will best assist you in finding your own unique sound as an artist. 

Once you feel comfortable in utilizing all your notes within your current ability, feeling more confident about expanding your range and abilities to new horizons, will soon follow.

Including singing better runs, breath control, creating more dynamics and feeling and more.

Follow the steps below to find your vocal range and some singers who you can study to better understand your range.

Determining your vocal type and range, relies on your:

  • Range – the notes your body can produce
  • Tessitura – part of the voice that is most comfortable to sing
  • Timbre – voice quality
  • Transition points – spots where your voice changes from chest, to middle, to head and falsetto register

Am I a Soprano?

  • Soprano is the highest female voice type. A typical soprano can vocalize B3 to C6, but, a soprano coloratura can sing a lot higher than that reaching F6- G6.

Famous sopranos include Minnie Riperton and Tori Kelly.

  • Mezzo- Soprano is the second highest female voice type. They are able to sing from G3 to A5. Some though, are able to sing as high as a typical soprano.

Some famous mezzo- sopranos are Lady Gaga and Christina Aguilera.

Am I an Alto?

  • ContrAlto, (Alto), is the lowest female vocal type. They are usually able to vocalize from G3 to A5. Although being able to sing low, there are some contraltos that are able to sing as high as a soprano.

Famous contraltos include Cher and Amy Winehouse.

Am I a Tenor?

  • Countertenor is the rarest voice type. Countertenors are male singers who are able to sing as high as a soprano or mezzo- soprano. Their range is G3- C6.

A famous countertenor is Mitch Grassi from Pentatonix!

  • Tenor is the most common male singing voice. They have the smallest vocal range spanning just over two octaves (C3- B4).

A few well- known tenors are Luciano Pavarotti, Bruno Mars, and Freddie Mercury.

Am I a Baritone?

  • Baritone is the most common male voice type. Their range is G2-G4 but can be higher or lower.

James Brown, Kurt Cobain, and David Bowie are all baritones.

Am I a Bass?

  • Bass is the lowest male vocal type. They sing the lowest notes humanly possible. Basses are able to sing anywhere between D2-E4.

Famous basses include Avi Kaplan and Louis Armstrong.

Knowing Your Voice Type, Can Help You Best Use Your Voice And Abilities.

In understanding how to properly utilize your personal vocal range, you can sing the songs best suited for bringing out the best qualities of your voice.

But don’t let that limit you! There is a big difference between practicing and performing. Taking your voice to the limits of your range will help you expand it. As long as it is done safely and with proper training.

If you need help we’re always here for you.

Until next time.

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