How To Improve Songwriting

  • Experiences & Empathy
  • Finding Motivation In Songwriting
  • Writing Tips


Songwriting can be easy, or can be difficult for some to figure out. This all depends on your experiences and your ability to put those thoughts on paper.

If you have trouble becoming motivated you’ll want to know how to get inspired.

Songwriting comes with your knowledge of melodies, vocabulary, and rhymes. Understanding all of these factors is the key to becoming an efficient songwriter.

Experiences & Empathy


Empathy is your ability to feel what others feel without having experienced the same situation.

In music, a lot of the time, you will need to be able to relate to people. This can be hard to do if you haven’t met many people or gone to many places.

Simply, think outside the box. Not all music that is written is true. Some of it can be fiction too.

You just want to make sure your message is clear and that you are able to relate your message to your target audience.

Meeting new people and developing new relationships are a good way to build your perspectives. Over time you will start to find a vibe for what kind of music and tone you want to create.

Finding Motivation In Songwriting


First, you want to think of a topic. This will help you develop what kind of song you want to write. The topic can be anything: love, heartbreak, growth, traveling, accomplishments, etc.

If you are writing and feel like you are blank and can’t think of anything. Take a break. You can’t force creativity.

If you are writing a song to a track and can’t think of any melodies. Sometimes this just means there is a better song for you to write.

Even if you only write a verse or a chorus, you can always come back to finish it. Or use the lyrics in a different song.

Ultimately, stay motivated as you write, because in the long run you will be a better writer. If you are a beginner to songwriting, try to learn as you continue to write songs.

Writing Tips

In songwriting, difficulty can vary depending on your skillset. Some people find it easy to come up with melodies but struggle to find the words.

Some people are able to write songs but can’t think of any melodies. Your word choice improves as you increase your vocabulary.

Try using a rhyme website for words and you’ll quickly pick up new words to use.

As for melodies, you will want to listen to more music that you enjoy that follows the style you are looking for.

If you have no trouble singing on key, finding some melodies shouldn’t take you very long. Either way, try using youtube beats to start developing your own music.

One of the beginning steps to finding your own unique voice is to experiment writing with your own songs.

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