How To Rehearse Efficiently

  • What Happens When You Don’t Rehearse
  • Rehearsing With An End Goal
  • Believing Is Confidence


You’ve likely heard the saying. If you don’t plan, you plan to fail. Rehearsal is no different.

When practicing for a show, concert, music video it’s always best to have an idea as to what you plan to do.

As an artist, you can wing it, and sometimes it will give you an authentic performance. The lack of structure, however, can lead you to making mistakes or unplanned instances.

It is important to have faith and trust in your ability to perform. But if you don’t practice enough to give yourself that faith, performing can be much harder.

What Happens When You Don’t Rehearse


Winging it is going on stage with no plan, just the song and the lyrics.

This is more likely to happen during karaoke. You pick a song you really like, but probably haven’t heard in some time. You go on stage and sing the song, but you miss some of the melodies.

This isn’t because you are bad at singing, but that you haven’t heard the song enough to remember how it goes.

Although karaoke is a fun and lively place to sing songs, some may find it easier to pick a list of songs they are familiar with to go up and sing.

Some live performers tend to live in the moment. The performance feels authentic and new, but to them; its likely they have rehearsed so much to have faith in themselves to give a spectacular performance.

If you tend to have issues with pitch then you want to start somewhere where you can actively learn about music.

Performances will feel much better as you continue to build your knowledge of music and performance.

Rehearsing With An End Goal


When rehearsing you want to be able to learn. A lot of people think rehearsal is just memorization.

Some of it is, but the other comes from how much you’ve done something to be effective with it.

When you rehearse, try and focus on a specific thing, as opposed to the whole song, if you’re only having trouble with the chorus, optimize your time and just practice the chorus.

Song mapping is where you pull up the lyrics and write down everything you plan to do, between the verses and the choruses. This makes it easier to add movements, muscles, and technique wherever in the song you think it would be best.

There are 5 important things needed for a good performance.

  • Lyrics, this includes how much you know the words, the pace of the song
  • Melody, your ability to find the right notes and sing them on pace
  • Confidence, your state of mind, faith, and belief in your ability
  • Energy, your ability to pull a crowd, including inflections
  • Emotion, how you choose to be empathetic with your words

Efficient rehearsal includes looking at these five things and making them the main focus of your practice.

The length of your rehearsal is dependent on the individual. You want to spend as much time as you need to feel sure of yourself.

If you find your event is 2 days away and you feel you are not ready, that means you may have wanted to spend more time rehearsing.

Believing Is Confidence

We create our own confidence. There is no one that can give that to you.

Yes, there are life coaches and therapists, but ultimately it’s up to you to talk back to the voice thats in your head.

The voice that gives you anxiety and makes you feel you aren’t capable. The same voice that tells you there are millions of people working towards the same thing.

Allowing that voice to control your actions is what makes us feel worse.

When going into a performance, there can be a flurry of bad thoughts, but it’s you who has the ability to change that.

If you struggle with confidence, try starting with self affirmation. Talk with yourself, try to develop a relationship with your voice.

The main thing that creates anxiety is uncertainty. If you don’t know what you’re doing wrong you will always make the same mistakes.

This is one of the biggest reasons why rehearsal is so important.

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