How To Use Vibrato
- Definition of Vibrato
- Muscle Building Exercises
- Rehearsal & Execution
Have you ever had trouble when singing with vibrato?
The best way to improve vibrato is understanding what it is. Vibrato exercises are essential to improving the muscles we already use.
Lastly, consider consistency a requirement as this is what will guarantee improvement.
Definition of Vibrato
The term vibrato comes from the word vibrate, in singing it is when you change your pitch back and forth, around a specific note.
It’s like your voice is hovering over a note. Some describe it as waviness or wiggling.
It can best be heard in classical or operatic music. Vibrato is a natural occurrence in the voice. Breathing control is what makes vibrato effective.
Your ability to quickly resonate between 2 pitches comes from the amount of sustain you have. Always ask yourself questions on how you can improve your vibrato.
How long can you use vibrato? Can you use slow and fast vibrato? Can you use vibrato on every note in your range?
These are just some start up questions that can bridge you to a very healthy relationship with your voice.
The best exercises to do for vibrato are with a piano.
If you don’t have access to a physical one. Download a digital piano on your phone, pc, or tablet and use that.
Find your lowest note, and then move up 5 half steps. Practice alternating your voice up and down slowly.
Vibrato is easiest closer to your speaking voice, and is harder to maintain the higher you get.
Practice singing songs that have vibrato so your voice is also encouraged to do so. Another exercise is the humming exercises.
Try to hum until you feel your voice wiggle and try to make an open vowel sound. Do this over your full range everyday and your vibrato will surely improve
Any breathing exercises will help with will help build your diaphragm. Try these at home exercises.
Rehearsal & Execution
The next most important thing about vibrato is consistency. Vibrato is a muscle that needs to be used everyday.
This is partially for your muscles to improve, but also for you to get used to hearing and attempting vibrato.
Even if your vibrato is very faint or only happens for a few seconds. Keep practicing. The only thing that would truly ruin your vibrato is never using it.
Your voice can turn around and have a clearer sounding vibrato in no time.
Try recording your vibrato on your first day of practice, and then check back on day 14 or 30 to see if you can spot a difference.
Seeing your improvement through practicing is what motivates you to want to keep improving.