Juan Luis: “Roxy, What do you find are the biggest misconceptions about singing or singing myth?”
I teach upwards of 40 students per week online and in studio. Many people who walk into my studio, think they have to be born with a “gift to sing”. That’s the biggest misconception I find.
There are a lot of people that are very mad at me for saying that, because they have believed otherwise for a long time.
But, I think people don’t realize that you sing with muscles. And that from a scientific standpoint, you only have 7 muscles that control how good or bad you sing. And that’s the whole hearted truth. No matter what you’ve been told or lead to believe.
Lot’s of old techniques for singing, vocal training or voice lessons, tell you you have there are two muscles you sing with: your vocal chords and diaphragm, maybe they know about your soft palate, and that’s it.
The methods they are using didn’t use the science of how the body works, in their findings. It was before we had MRI machines, or little camera’s that go down your through and through your mouth to look at the muscles while you are singing. So their science into how the voice works was not complete.
Having partial information really limits somebody’s ability to improve their voice.
The reality is that you sing with muscles. And if you have weak muscles on your abdomen, you get them exercises and you get them stronger and stronger until you get abs because you want them, and you’ve made it worth the work to achieve.
Well with singing it’s the same way.
Once you can get rid of that misconception of thinking that if they weren’t born with some awesome ability to sing, they never will then I’m able to help anybody learn how to sing.
Nobody is not helped with Voicercise, because it’s truly a full technology of what you use to sing.
If a vocal technique or vocal coach you’ve used didn’t work for you, it was not because of you. It was because they had a lack of education. I know that for a fact, because I have been able to take those singers who where turned away, or quit classical vocal lessons due to lack of improvement, and teach them to sing with skill and confidence.
Maybe your vocal chords and diaphragm where not the problem. Maybe you’re lack of vocal control was due to your other 5 singing muscles not being strong enough and responding to your commands properly?
Once you remove that false information about singing for somebody, an rehabilitate their weak muscles, their ability to sing becomes limitless. And that’s quite a beautiful thing to witness.