screen-shot-2016-10-19-at-8-52-29-pm R&B Runs can be a wonderful experience, especially if you would like to put more creativity and style into your song.  Like any art form, singing is based on your creativity. Think Beyonce!

Singing Pop, Rock and R&B runs are based on your ability to hear timing, understand the different scales that you are singing in, and how strong and coordinated your singing muscle are.

And actually, your tongue does the biggest job when it comes to singing riffs and runs…. YES your tongue!

Your tongue makes all the vowel sounds you speak and sing, and when you’re singing runs, you’re extending vowel sounds. There is never a run on a consonant sound.

When you sing, you are holding out vowel sounds. When we speak, the vowels are shorter. As a result, your tongue does a lot more work when you’re singing.

Try it for yourself. Say: “Somewhere over the rainbow”

And now sing: “Somewhere over the rainbow.”

Did you notice yourself holding out vowel sounds?

What exactly is are “R&B Runs”?

Alicia Keys sings r&b runs with 14 notes in each syllable!The definition of a run is: singing more than one note on a syllable. Think Alicia Key’s “Falling”. In the beginning of that song, Alicia Key’s actually sings 14 notes on one syllable of a word!

That’s a lot of notes!

We have many, many people contact us every day just wishing they could sing or come up with a run like that.

There are some very specific drills we use to help our students sing runs like the R&B and Pop singers they idolize, which are really quite powerful!

Using R&B runs to Sing in Your Own Unique Style

Have you ever noticed that many of the artist we think of that sing with a lot of emotion, can sing some of the most incredible R&B runs?

When you have the ability to sing runs to any song, you have the ability to sing with freedom. Not only that, you have your own unique style.

In turn, if you are trying to sing the runs you hear, but are lacking the element of emotion, your run will never sound the same! It’s true!

I invite you to listen to runs this week, a lot of runs. Look at people’s faces on YouTube (in live videos) when they are singing them. Note the type of emotion or communication they are attaching to it.

I am here to answer any questions you have. You can email or call me if you need help.

Have a wonderful rest of the week!

All in Love and Music,

Roxy Kerr

Premier Voice and Performance Coach

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