sing better high notes without crackingOne of the things that a lot of people write to us about is trouble singing high notes and voice cracks.

Now, I’m sure most of you have experienced voice cracks in front of an audience or not, singing your favorite song feeling all happy and everything and then… there is a point where the song goes up.  The dreaded high note!

A bead of sweat starts to form on your confidence, with thoughts of “What if they hear my voice crack?” or” I can’t hit that note.”

Really the fear of cracking on a high notes can bring terror feelings to the bravest of people. And if it has happened once you are probably pretty sure it will happen again. Right?

Is this you??

The funny thing about high notes is that your vocal chords need to vibrate a lot faster than with lower notes.  A lot!  And it takes a heck of a lot more effort to make them. And your other singing muscles should be helping them but probably are not.

One thing for sure, giving up on them is never the answer because your singing muscles are not going to get stronger as a result of you not using and exercising them properly.

Pretty simple concept right?

Here are a few tips to help with unwanted voice cracks:

  1. Before you start singing the song make sure you are properly
    Drink some water. Dry throats make cracking notes. Nix the soda, black tea or green tea or coffee. Try some warm herbal teas like chamomile, ginger or peppermint
  2.  Use the Lift on my Free singing lesson video on Youtube.  Put in a big lift before you try for the note. 
  3. Sing the note a bit louder than you think you have to.

Being afraid of High notes makes you a high note scaredy cat.  You really do not want to be one of those right??
How to sing like adele and stop crackingTo get those notes coming out better for good without you having to worry again check out the Voicercise Singing  Kit.

You can then sing high notes fearlessly and a whole lot more.

We’re rooting for you!

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