Voicercise Production to showcase up and coming Artist
What a show!! As a long-time Voicercise student ,and former employee, I have to say this past Spring Production was the most exciting yet! Most students were new to me, so, I was eager to see how talented everyone really was.
The audience was full and a heartening applause was all anyone could hear after each performer took the stage. I could see the confidence of each performer as they were walking on and off the stage that night. There was so much flavor in the production; different types of music, diverse performers, and even a group number.
Stage Perfomance Seminar
Before our audience arrived, all the performers started with Jonathan’s stage performance seminar. This is something I always look forward to when I perform with Roxy.
Jonathan gives us an awesome confidence boost to confront our stage fears with ease. “What are you nervous about happening while on stage?” he asked.
Some people said “messing up lyrics” others mentioned missing their notes. Jonathan reminded us that if we think it will happen, it will happen. “Why not just sing in the moment and have confidence that you will do fine?” he said.
He spoke to us individually and had us do an exercise with our arms to push ourselves outside of our own box.
Jonathan sharing his best and worst moments as a singer was so helpful in reminding us that everyone goes through something.
I’ve only heard his seminars before student concert’s, but, I would actually love to hear him do another one with different topics. Johnathan is full of knowledge when it comes to music and performance.
The Show Starts
As the show commenced and the audience trickled in, I could feel the energy in the room rise to an exciting level. Roxy graced the stage with an original song, to our surprise, and opened the show. Twenty individuals sang their hearts out on the stage that night.
Each singer really made it their own and went with the flow of things, everyone looked like a natural on stage. There was even a duo who danced, so upbeat, that even people in the crowd swayed with them. When I got on stage, I was nervous for a second, but once the music started, I was ready. I know that constantly practicing by myself and with Roxy helped perfect my performance.
Some people sang original music, which I thought was brave of them. It must feel so free to let out your creativity and be contently you in front of an audience. As a developing artist, that excites me and gave me a boost in confidence. I commend them for sharing that part of themselves, and Roxy for allowing them to.
In Reflecting…
All in all, Voicercise put on an amazing show and I heard nothing but good things from audience members. Each year this show blossoms and I can see this becoming a larger production in the future.
There has always been amazing singers, a little dancing , but now backup singers? Roxy’s got something good going here at Voicercise and that’s why I always encourage and pitch in when I can.
This company has the love for music and performance running through its veins and I see nothing but great things happening for Roxy and the Voicercise team in the future.
This year’s spring production was absolutely outstanding and I look forward to seeing what’s to come on August 10th (2019).