We All Are Born With Confidence
We are not born with doubts and reservations, little children have an amazing amount of confidence.
Confidence about their future, confident about what they can do. Usually they feel that they are amazing, strong, beautiful, magical and their abilities are limitless.
So where do these doubts and reservations come from. Where did your confidence go.
It goes like this, you pick them up from other people and from your experiences. But usually those expenses are not a prediction of the future. They are merely your path toward trying to make something happen. Just because you had a hard time getting it the first time doesn’t mean that you will have a difficult time forever.
The future is yours to make. Truly it really is and I can see and feel that yours could be quite bright and amazing if you keep moving forward without picking up garbage and counter productive advice along the way.
Find and do what works for you and makes you truly happy right now and in the future. You have a right to your future and above all keep moving forward.
“Confidence is the key to success”
In my experience confidence is a byproduct of faith. I say this because if you have faith that what you are doing or planning to achieve is going to be a success your confidence will follow.
If there is no room for doubt your actions will be sure and steady. Similar to wind, when wind impacts an obstacle no matter what material it is made of the wind just flows past it. Faith is just a strong belief and everyone is entitled to it.
Your confidence will always be tested in life, if it isn’t, then you’re probably not challenging yourself to do better.
There will always be moments in life where our self confidence is taken from us, but do not let these moments define you.
Everything in life passes with time but sometimes its up to you to decide how fast it goes, confidence is a feeling and an action, these kinds of things are completely under your control.
What is Confidence?
I define confidence as having certainty that what your voice is doing is exactly what you intend it to do when you are in front of people.
When it comes to doing any physical action, your control has to do with how strong and coordinated your muscles are, and how confident you are in your ability to use them.
For singers, all Vocal “training” is, about is knowing how to strengthen your singing muscles. As a result you are able to control them, and start to sound the way you think you should, when you sing.
Once you know how to do that, controlling your voice is a completely easy and stress free activity. We get the absolute pleasure of seeing that happen every day.