What Does Success Mean To You?

professional singer

Does it mean an opulent lifestyle, a loving family or maybe a house full of pets?

No matter what you feel it means, there is one thing that makes the answer to that question unanimous. The characteristics that success requires for a person to have.

In musical terms, singers who make it and singers who don’t. If you are booked and busy then you should know you are killing it.

But what is going on with the ones who are lacking?

Let’s take a look at some ways you can ruin your chances of becoming a professional singer:

Why Some Singers Don’t Become Successful, and Others Not.

professional singer
One of the biggest reasons why a person doesn’t become successful is because… they have too much of a fear of failing. Fear will only cause you to stress and that will be transparent when you go to perform.

Instead, you should tell yourself that your performance will be great each time before you hit that stage.

Do something that makes you feel your best before performance day. Soon enough that fear will turn into confidence. Before you know it, confidence will lead you to getting that gig you want, gain you fans that will help spread the word about your work and more.

Fear is a dream killer, don’t let it take over.

Why You Need Fans

professional singer
YOU NEED FANS, if you want to make it your career that is. This will make a major difference in your career depending on the amount of fans you have. The more the merrier, right?

Although it is fun to sing alone in the shower, letting the shower head hear everything that you’ve got, without any fans you’re just living in a fantasy. And the reality is, your professional talent should be shared with people who will appreciate it.

It is the reason why art is created right? To be experienced? Another plus is that they will actually pay to see you perform. If you need more information about why fans are so important, read this The Importance Of Support

Those who are unsuccessful are not dedicated to their craft.

They don’t realize that practice, practice, and more practice make perfect. Your performances should be so down pat that you can do them in your sleep.

The best of the best singers spend hours upon hours making sure that they are ready for what is to come.

This means using your Voicercise Singing Kit every day, getting those vocal chords warmed up and strong. Practice your songs over and over until you’ve got it down from start to finish.

An Then There’s Having a Lack of Consistency

Lack of consistency is one that gets people a lot too. Remember that life may get in the way at times but don’t lose sight of your goal.

You should take criticism with a grain of salt but for the most part be consistent with your artistry and your sound. Find that niche where your music will fit in and keep going.

Always prepare for doubt and negativity to come your way, use it as a fuel to keep your fire burning.

Did you know that the “Queen of Pop” Madonna was rejected by a record label President when she was getting her start with her professional career? A few years later she released her debut album with a label that saw her value.

This is a prime example of how some of your lowest moments can create the most meaningful ones. Success, whatever that means to you, does not come easy and quick.

Now that you’re feeling motivated and have some tips on how not to fail read this article about how you can put yourself out there and get some professional singing gigs.

By Airis Kemp

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