How To Put On A Good Concert
- Opening For A Concert
- Marketing Tips
- Be Yourself
Have you ever wondered what the science is behind a good Stage Presence?
When we take the stage we can sometimes struggle to make that connection with the audience.
In this blog, you will learn some tips to help you engage your audience while remaining comfortable and energetic.
Introductions are generally the most important part to the start of your performance.
You can use your own merchandise, and engage your audience in ways that will make them more inclined to remember and enjoy your performance.
Lastly, stage presence will be the foundation of your performance.
Mastering this skill takes time, but as you do, singing authentically on stage becomes a billion times easier.
Opening For A Concert
Being the most important part of your performance, during introductions, try not to shy away from making eye contact.
Be happy to meet new people and perform. Try talking to people before your performance so you can begin to develop that comfort with those who will be listening.
Develop a level of self respect for yourself as you are a singer singing in front of other people.
This is not always easy to do, so it is important that you see yourself and your performances as valid.
You can be brief in talking about yourself, try telling the audience who you are, what made you get into singing, if you have any inspirations, and what songs you’ll be singing for them today.
This is generally a good ice breaker, it’s important to know your crowd to determine how you should take your performance.
Introducing yourself, and taking your time with it, is your way of being ok with people hearing you sing. Take this time to get comfortable with the faces around you.
Marketing Tips
There are many ways to engage your audience. During a campaign a campaigner will often bring food or goods to draw attention to themselves.
As a stage performer, try and think of different things you can sell your brand to increase your consumer outreach.
You can sell tshirts, autographs, paintings, photos, lighters, bags, CD’s, etc.
The possibilities are endless, you just have to be creative.
The goal is to make people raise a brow and ask “Where did you get that? I want one.”
Giving your audience merchandise will make them want to come to future shows.
Always give your fans something for free just for showing up. This entices them to want more. When engaging your audience try to be carefree and confident.
Be Yourself
One of the biggest triggers for anxiety on stage is overthinking about how we look.
Stage presence is the art of remaining in character on stage. For your performances try to think of going on stage but as your performer version of yourself.
Some people find keeping the identities seperate helps to separate negative emotions going into a show.
For example: Paul has a show he’s going to sing at but is worried about how he looks. Raul, (Raul is the Performer version of Paul) does not get anxious when performing.
Instead of going on stage as Paul, Paul changes his mindset to become Raul so that he performs in character as opposed to himself.
This method is like acting but the idea is to separate your personal feelings from your ability to follow a script or sing a song.
Stage presence is heavily dependent on mindset, meaning, how you view yourself will affect your performance.