Hello and Welcome to my Blog! Today we’re going to talk about something really important when it comes to singing and that is overthinking. If you are a singer who is overthinking and singing, this blog is for you!

Number 1, overthinking and singing don’t mix! This is a quote that my mom, Naomi T Kaye created years ago and shared with many singers and it has totally changed the way that they sing.

Here’s the thing, singing is an action; like running, driving a car, or swimming. Singing requires that you use the machinery of your voice, which are 8 muscles that create what your voice is. You cannot think a muscle into working correctly.

If you are a singer that sings and thinks about all the things that you did wrong, that means you’re an over thinker.

How about you listen to your voice afterwards and instead of thinking about all the things you did wrong, pick out all the things you did correctly. You get more of what you put your attention on.

Instead of overthinking, put all of your emotion, feeling and energy into your voice and singing.

You don’t want to put any thoughts there because as soon as you think about what you’re singing, you’re not singing with freedom! Have you ever tried to think while you were trying to breathe? Take some breaths in and really think about what you doing. Now see how much more difficult it is to do!

If you are alive you are already breathing, otherthinking it just makes you more careful about it. This is what happens with overthinking and singing too.

The job of somebody like me, is to help singers figure out what they’re doing wrong and what’s creating the problems that they’re having, and resolving them. And believe me, breathing is almost never the problem.

I have a pretty strong idea that if what you were doing, right now, like critiquing your own voice was working it wouldn’t be happening anymore. You would’ve been able to resolve the issues that you’ve been having but I have an idea that you’re looking for more help with your voice. You may have not been the best person qualified to help yourself with your voice.

“But you’re a vocal coach, shouldn’t you be teaching me how to breath?”

NO! You are not an opera singer. You want to sing, R&B, Pop, Alternative etc right?
I teach in a way that helps with R&B, Rock, Hip Hop, Country, Blues specifically. This type of music is different from classical music if you think about it. The skills are different along with the way that you breathe. Breathing in Classical and Operatic music is: How many notes can you sing on one breath.

Listen to Alicia Keys, R. Kelly, Michael Jackson, and Bruno Mars. They’re not overthinking and singing their using their breath to convey emotion. That’s the thing! Singing Pop Music and R&B has to do with conveying an emotion and you cannot overthink an emotion!! It doesn’t even come across as real.

If you’re trying to sing a really high note and overthinking and singing the note it’s not going to come out.

Why? Because the high note has to do with the emotion and the way that you feel which is producing that note. Why are you singing a high note? Is it just so you can show off your voice? Well then you shouldn’t be doing it.

If you’re singing to show the most impactful part of the song and singing with freedom? THEN you should be singing the high note. That’s why the high note was created in the first place. The reason that the high notes and runs are there in the songs is to convey emotion!! You cannot think yourself into how angry or happy you are with somebody, they come before you can even think of them.

The way to handle problems with your voice that you can’t stand is to get the help that you need with your voice! I teach in a way that helps people really fast because all you need to do is resolve the problems you’re having. You do not have to start at the beginning of training.

Yes I know, this can be very controversial.

The only thing that stops you from having confidence in your voice are your limitations.

And what are your limitations? Your limitations are your lack of muscle strength to do what you want with you voice when you want to do it. Do you feel like maybe your voice doesn’t sound like the way you want it to? And then when someone asks you to sing you don’t want to because it may not sound the way you want it to.

Overthinking and singing will not help! It is a lack of muscle strength. There are 8 muscles that help your body produce sound and the way that your voice sounds. That’s where the science comes in. There is where your mechanisms come in! Go on over to www.Voicercise.com and check out the Voicercise Singing Kit. This gives you all 8 of the muscles and 8 exercises that you need to control the muscles that you sing with.

Once you get all 8 muscles working correctly, you can completely control what’s going on! Think about this, when you’re driving and get into an accident, what happens when you get into that accident? Does your attention wander? No! Same thing with singing! If your attention is going forward in your performing and singing, there’s no thinking involved. You’re doing an action. You have to have the instinct and ability to do what you’re trying to do.

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