How To Improve Performance

  • Variety In Performance
  • Pre-Planning
  • Authenticity


There are many different aspects to performing, and respectfully, there is no wrong way to do it.

For some of us on stage we can feel like we are static, and that we need to loosen up during our performance.

This depends on the kind of song you are singing. There is variety in how you can perform.

You can pre plan your movements, actions, and quips before you perform.

Authenticity comes from your spontaneity, which you will likely feel more comfortable with after rehearsing your plan enough times.

Your stage presence will come into fruition the more you practice. So make sure to rehearse consistently.

Variety In Performance


There are so many performers in the world today. The important thing to note is that everyone is copying from everyone.

This can be dance moves, or a position you find yourself in while belting. Ultimately the song will depict how your performance should go.

Singing a slow song normally doesn’t require much movement vs a fast song. Adele for example requires a lot of vocal control, so heavy movement can effect your vocals.

When you see a singer tilt their head back. This does nothing for them vocally, so it’s more to put on a show.

Facial expressions help convey your meaning to the audience and wherever you look the audience is more inclined to follow.

There are hidden rules of the stage to make your performance more lively and spectacular.



Pre Planning is when you plan out exactly what you are going to do in your performance.

You can do this by making notes at the different sections of the song. You can break down the sections between the verse, chorus, bridge, and instrumental breaks.

Make your movements seamless by paying close attention to the song.

It’s harder to sing with heavy movement, so planning to move while you’re not singing would help improve your performance vocally.


Authenticity can come from how sincere you are delivering your message.

Your song is your message, but some performers have a brief explanation of their song before they sing.

This helps create a relationship with the audience. Spontaneity is good in a performance if you have been performing for a while.

If you tend to get nervous, this can make you make mistakes. Winging it is great until something unexpected happens.

Try to think of your intent while you’re singing, rather than the urge to prove you can sing.

Tension comes from uncertainty, and doing a performance blind is bound to create uncertainty. Ultimately the amount of time you spend practicing will help you overcome this.

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