Preparing For Your Vocal Lesson

  • General Tips
  • Pre-Practice Your Vocal Lesson
  • Review Goals


Sometimes when going to a vocal lesson you can feel unprepared. When you feel unprepared you may feel anxious.

Every singer knows that anxiety is something that will effect your singing. To get the most out of your lessons its important to have some general tips.

Focus on practicing what you have upcoming in your next lesson. Review your goals so you become more motivated in why you are taking the lessons in the first place.

The feeling that beats anxiety is excitement, so try preparing before your lesson starts and get excited!

General Tips


Prior to your lesson it’s important to be aware of your state of body.

Ask questions like: Have I eaten or drank anything? Did I get enough sleep? Am I feeling sick or under the weather?

Eating food before a lesson can fill your intestines that affect the range of movement behind your diaphragm.

Fruits are good for something small and quick to eat, high sugary drinks or foods can cause mucus buildup in your throat.

Sleeping is very important as this affects how much energy you have in your lessons. Some songs don’t require high energy, whereas some do.

If a song needs high energy and you can’t muster the energy, you won’t sound as great as you want.

Lastly, arrive early. If being in an environment where you have to sing makes you anxious, arrive early so you can adjust to where you are, take some time to breathe, and mentally prepare.

Pre-Practice Your Vocal Lesson


By practicing your exercises from the week, you are setting yourself up for success in your next lesson.

Learning is all about exposure, how much have you been exposed to the material for you to fully understand it.

Practicing daily is tedious, but is the best way to achieve this. You will want to target the exercises you have been assigned, and target exercises that give you the most trouble.

Additionally, you will need to practice your song, if you can get the song to a place where you don’t need the lyrics, you are already ahead of the games.

Reading lyrics is great to start off, but eventually it can distract you from the emotional elements of a song. Being off book is the best way to fully immerse yourself into the song.

Review Goals

Reviewing goals is best completed weekly. Have a firm understanding of what you want to accomplish.

This will help you ask the right questions. Prepare questions through the week, or flag parts of songs that give you trouble.

Reviewing mistakes is the best way to make improvement, as it is hands on help with a current/ ongoing issue. Setting goals helps outline the scope of how we get there.

It will make it easier to measure your progress and set higher goals. If you don’t plan, you plan to fail. Spend time developing goals and you will meet them faster.

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